Guduchi scientifically known as Tinospora Cordifolia or Guduchi in Sanskrit or Giloy in Hindi or Amrita in Kannada, is an herb that helps boost immunity. The stem of Guduchi is considered highly effective because of its high nutritional content and the alkaloids found in it. It has heart-shaped leaves that resemble betel leaves. Guduchi is beneficial for diabetic patients as it is bitter in taste and helps in managing blood glucose levels.
Guduchi is used in several Ayurvedic medicinal preparations. When combined with different types of herbs, it is known to produce alleviating effects on the various doshas defined in Ayurveda. This makes it a very versatile and powerful herb. The bark of Giloy looks greyish brown or creamy white in color. It is generally known to improve the immune system, thereby protecting against infections*
Guduchi is a universal herb that helps boost immunity. Guduchi helps get rid of recurrent fevers. Guduchi is antipyretic in nature, it can reduce signs and symptoms of several life-threatening conditions like Dengue, Swine Flu and Malaria as well Acts as a hypoglycemic agent and helps treat diabetes. Guduchi is popularly known for its anti-inflammatory benefits and helps reduce respiratory problems like frequent cough, cold, tonsils*.Guduchi contains anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties that help treat arthritis and its several symptoms. Guduchi is effective against various disorders, such as diabetes, cancer, neurological problems*
- Boost immunity
- It has Antioxidant properties
- Useful in gout and arthritis
- Helps purify blood.
- Improves digestion.
- Reduces stress and anxiety.
- Helpful in chronic fever.
- Helpful in for dengue fever.
- Helpful in hay fever*
* Results may vary from person to person.
- Guduchi is a strong immunity booster, anti-toxic, antipyretic (that reduces fever), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. This classical medicine is the ultimate answer to all health anomalies.
- Guduchi is an antipyretic herb. It improves platelet count in dengue fever and reduces the chances of complications. Regular intake of Guduchi helps to improve immunity during dengue and also for a speedy recovery.
- Guduchi is very useful in hay fever also known as allergic rhinitis. It reduces the symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, nasal obstruction, watering of eyes.
Take ½ teaspoon of Guduchi churna mix with honey and eat this before food or as directed by the Ayurvedic Practitioner.