Guduchi Ayurveda

Asava Arishta Vidangarishta for Stomach Ache & Intestinal Worms Relief

VeganFair TradeSustainable

Guduchi Ayurveda Vidangarishta is an herbal concoction that has been used as a remedy for over 5,000 years.

It consists of various medicinal plants that undergoes a natural fermentation process before it’s used as medicine.

These Asava and Arishta are popular due to their better absorption, fast relief, longer shelf life and easy palatability.

Vidangarishta is an Classical ayurvedic medicine.

It is used for destroying and expelling parasitic intestinal worms. It also prevents recurrence of worm infestation.

It also restores normal appetite and improves absorption of nutrients from the food.

Moreover, Vidangarishta is also given to treat an abscess, bloating, urinary disorders, prostate enlargement, and loss of appetite.

Vidanga being key ingredient it is an herbal anti helminthic medicine to fight off worm infestation. It is also beneficial in the treatment of skin diseases and a blood purifier.

Key Information: 450ml.














Kills bacterial, fungal and worm infestations and is considered gentle enough to treat childhood worms.

Strengthens the digestive fire and treats the underlying cause of parasitical infestations.

Cleans the blood and lymph of ama toxins causing swollen glands and suppurative skin problems.

Treats skin disorders related to itching of skin.

Vidangarishta aids in eradicating various types of intestinal worms like roundworms, pinworms and also their eggs.

It reduces symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain associated with worm infestation*.

*Results may vary from person to person.

Vidangarishta is 100% natural and Ayurvedic. It does not possess any side effects, however you should always consult Ayurvedic Physician before using Vidangarishta.

Vidangarishta health tonic can be taken (15 to 30 ml) with equal amount of water, twice a day after food or as prescribed by the Ayurvedic Physician.